So today (Tuesday 13th) is Embrace Your Geekness Day. A day to be proud (As usual I hope) of your geekness, and maybe even a day to be proud of fellow geeks. Personally, I’m proud to be a geek and I’m happy to say I’m proud of my fellow geeks, such as the wonderful Kitty, the corntastic Josie and of course the guys like Collin Mel and everyone else (Lets not go into the list of those we are not proud of, we all know who they are).
So my question is, what did you do to embrace your geekness and that of others?
In other news, HowduinoNCL is coming up, anyone going? Have anything special planned? My plan is still somewhat…vague, but I’m open to other ideas if someone wants help!
Ok, now for a bit of a minor rant directed at the postal service. Whats the deal guys? You advertise a service that is for 1-2 day delivery, naturally I expect this to be the case, and don’t necessarily mind it taking 3 or 4 days, however, at this point it is getting a bit much. 7 days is starting to get a bit much. At this point, this particular postal service has successfully delayed a project to the point where it will not meet the deadline and may not even progress as a result. I’d like to thank them for this.
Short blog is short, more later folks!