So a while back, there was a mention of plans for something aimed at making the life of developers/tinkerers/others easier. Particularly those who use who use I2C. Now as we all know I2C can operate with just one device on the bus, which is all fairly simple, but what if you need more? You need to build a bus!
Yes this can be done easily on breadboard, and is just as simple on perf board (strip board or whatever you care to call it), what about when you want to implement it? Or you just want something slightly better for say… teaching? Well one option is to go and make your own PCBs, or another is to find someone who already has. 
Over the past few months in a few moments of spare time (and alot of waiting), I have produced a quick solution that may be of interest. This simple PCB provides a data line, clock line, power lines and a spare line for you to use with whatever I2C devices you wish. Including is space for the pull up resistors where needed and a power LED (Note: this LED should have a resistor on board, but was missed off this version). This version, almost as demonstrated by the errors in it and missing features is just a proof of concept.
However, if there is enough interest, there is a chance a production run could be done for a suitable price. If you are interested, leave a comment!
Got questions? Just ask! This is just the start and suggestions are always welcome.
Is the source available?
Currently the source for this is not available as I do not wish to put something out there with such errors or a lack of documentation. It may however become available later.
Is a sample available to test?
Maybe…If you are really interested, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you. The board may be free, the postage may require a minor contribution depending on location and how nice you are
Got questions for me about anything (Other than the above!)? Ask them here or in the comments! The best ones may even get posted.
So in a passing conversation on twitter, the subject of geeky fashion came up. For any one that knows me, you’ll be aware that the closest I get to anything with style is a fancy design on a t-shirt. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t pass up advice from something of an expert. In this case, Carla, and her blog MessyCarla: A Fashion Blog In Size 16
In terms of geeky guys, take a look at This
Don’t forget to check out her competition!